Repairs of Overhead Line 500 kV Troitskaya State District Power Station – Magnitogorskaya Completed

MES Ural completed the repairs of the overhead line 500 kV Troitskaya state district power station – Magnitogorskaya. As a result of the works executed within the framework of MES Ural repairs program the reliability of electricity transit from the Chelyabinsk power grid to the power grid of Bashkiria.

In the course of the works on the overhead line 500 kV Troitskaya state district power station – Magnitogorskaya MES Ural repaired the conductor and the static wire, replaced insulators and the vibration damper necessary for preventing wires damage due to fatigue stress caused by vibration, installed new conductor spacers serving for keeping the two conductors of the overhead line phase at a prescribed distance. They also tested and adjusted spark gaps, in 583 transmission towers they replaced U-bolts which hold strained the conductors and static wires of the overhead lines.

Altogether in July MES Ural repaired 12 overhead lines 500 kV in the Ural region within the framework of their repair program. The repair program in executed simultaneously with the investment and target programs of the Federal Grid Company. It includes restoration and replacement of the capital equipment in substations, the elements of power lines, buildings and facilities which need prompt repairs. The repair program execution contributes to the increase in operational reliability of main facilities and successful operation in the autumn-winter time.

The power line 500 kV Troitskaya state district power station – Magnitogorskaya which was built in 1990 provides capacity transit from the Troitskaya state district power station to the power grid of Bashkiria as well as supplies the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.

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