Improving the situation in the domestic energy industry and its modernization within he next 10 years will cost the Russian budget 11.1 trillion rubles according to the data of Minenergo (the RF Ministry of Energy).
The sources of financing the program are first of all provision of credit at ‘preferential interest rates (under 8%) in the state banks on a repayment basis, launching the mechanisms of a wholesale capacity market with tendering procedures and funds obtained from privatizing state packages in the power generating and grid companies.
The enterprises of power engineering industry are to be equipped with advanced and high-tech energy systems.
Among the major directions of modernization are giving up on the old generating facilities in favor of new ones, opening the Center for innovation developments, creating a grid complex as well as giving out soft loans by state banks.
Метки: electric grids, electricity, energy industry news 2011, Minenergo, modernization, Russian energy industry news
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