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Substation Krasnopolskaya to Give Push to Development of North-Western Area of Chelyabinsk

Substation Krasnopolskaya to Give Push to Development of North-Western Area of Chelyabinsk

A grand launch of a new power facility took place in Chelyabinsk yesterday. The Chelyabinsk City Grids of the branch of the OAO IDGC of Urals – Chelyabenergo completed the construction of the substation 110 KW Krasnopolskaya. The cost of the construction amounted to 301.5 rubles. This is an object of strategic importance for Chelyabinsk. […]

Permenergo Creates 24 Mobile Teams for Prompt Emergency Response Actions

Permenergo Creates 24 Mobile Teams for Prompt Emergency Response Actions

Since September 10 2012 the commissions responsible for admitting the production units to the autumn-winter season start their work in the branch of OAO IDGC of Urals – Permenergo. The first to undergo the inspection of their preparedness towards the winter season are Bereznikovskiye and Ocherskiye electrical grids. The preparation of the power grid complex […]

Chelyabenergo Сonducts Major Overhaul of Grids in Mauk Village

Chelyabenergo Сonducts Major Overhaul of Grids in Mauk Village

The ownerless grids  (built in 1956) of the village Mauke in the Kaslinskiy district of Chelyabinsk region were transferred into the ownership of the branch The ownerless grids  (built in 1956) of the village Mauke in the Kaslinskiy district of Chelyabinsk region were transferred into the ownership of the branch IDGC of Urals — Chelyabenergo in […]

Emergency Restoration Works in Kama Region Continue 24/7

Emergency Restoration Works in Kama Region Continue 24/7

The staff of the branch of OAO IDGC of Urals – Permenergo resumed power supply for over 125 thousand consumers. The emergency restoration works in the Kama region continue 24/7. At the end of the day on July 18 they engaged 507 staff members of OAO IDGC of Urals — Permenergo in 156 teams as […]

Permenergo Starts Assembling Power Equipment at Pal’niki Substation in Dobryanskiy District

Permenergo Starts Assembling Power Equipment at Pal’niki Substation in Dobryanskiy District

The new substation will be equipped with the new transformers with the capacity of 40 MVa each. At present the power engineers are embarking on their assembling at the prepared subconstructions. The construction of the substation 110/35/6kv Pal’nyki is presupposed by the cooperation agreement between the government of the Perm Territory and OAO IDGC of […]

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