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Cat Caused Second of Disturbance at Novgorodenergo Power Facilities

Cat Caused Second of Disturbance at Novgorodenergo Power Facilities

On November 27 at 20:16 Moscow time a short time power outage occurred due to the impact of large current at the overhead power transmission line 110 kV Antonovskaya 1 and 2 and Ilmenskaya 5 of the branch of IDGC of North-West Novgorodenergo. As a result of prompt response of the emergency control system the […]

Biggest Number of Accidents at Power Lines in Irkutsk Region Happens in Mamsko-Chuyskiy District

Biggest Number of Accidents at Power Lines in Irkutsk Region Happens in Mamsko-Chuyskiy District

The first deputy chairman of the government of the Irkutsk region Nikolay Slobodchikov ordered the management of Oblkommunenenrgo to submit their suggestions on the reconstruction of the power transmission line Slyudyankd-Sogdiondon to the government of Priangarye, as well as to finish the rerconstruction of the power transmission line Sogdiondon – Gornaya Tchuya in 2013. In […]

MES of Center to Replace 65 Transmission Towers of Various Modifications

MES of Center to Replace 65 Transmission Towers of Various Modifications

At present the Main Power Grids of Center have embarked on replacing the three tangent-suspension supports of reinforced concrete on the 330 kV transmission line Kurskaya NPP — Yuzhnaya. As a result the reliability of power supply of the city of Kursk as well as the southern and western districts of the Kursk region will […]

Krasnodar Electrical Grids Repair About 20 km of 0,4-110 kV Overhead Lines

Krasnodar Electrical Grids Repair About 20 km of 0,4-110 kV Overhead Lines

The Abnormal weather conditions this summer did not affect the work schedule of JSC «Kubanenergo» — Krasnodar electrical grids. The repairs within the framework of the plan of the preparation for the autumn-winter period (PTD) 2012-2013 are being carried out in all districts of the city. For the six months of the current year in […]

Lenenergo Connects Rural Health Post in Staraya Ladoga

Lenenergo Connects Rural Health Post in Staraya Ladoga

OAO Lenenergo connected a rural health post in the town of Staraya Ladoga in the Volkhovskiy district of Leningradskaya region to power grids. The dedicated capacity is 800 kva. The source of power supply is the substation # 226 Kisel’nya. To connect the rural health post in Staraya Ladoga to the power grid the power […]

All Major Olympic Power Facilities in Sochi to be Commissioned till End of Second Quarter 2013

All Major Olympic Power Facilities in Sochi to be Commissioned till End of Second Quarter 2013

Sochi saw the offsite meeting of the heads of OAO FGC UES and OAO IDGC Holding dedicated to the issues of construction, stable operation and dafety of power supply facilities of the Olympics in Sochi. The meeting, which was chaired by the head of the managing board of OAO FGC UES Oleg Budargin, was attended […]

Ryazanenergo Replaced 19.8 km of Wire with Wire of Larger Section at Overhead Power Transmission Lines – 0.4-10 KW

Ryazanenergo Replaced 19.8 km of Wire with Wire of Larger Section at Overhead Power Transmission Lines – 0.4-10 KW

In accordance with the schedule of the investment program and the program of energy saving and raising energy efficiency this year the branch Ryazanenergo conducted the works on replacing 19.8 km of wire with the wire of larger section at the overloaded lines 0.4-6-10 KW, mounted 179 branches to the houses using the self-supporting insulated […]

Criminals Shooting at Power Transmission Lines in Komi Found

Criminals Shooting at Power Transmission Lines in Komi Found

The power engineers of the Republic of Komi have managed to identify the abusers, who shot at the insulators of the power transmission lines belonging to the responsibility zone of Komienergo. It should be reminded that the three pin-based insulators of the power transmission line 10 KW Bogorodsk-Nivshera were shot up in the Kortkerosskiy region […]

Innovative Technology Used at Construction of Cable Lines in Skolkovo

Innovative Technology Used at Construction of Cable Lines in Skolkovo

Innovative technology was used in the construction of the cable lines in Skolkovo, novostienergetiki.ru report. According to the press-service of FGC UES, the Main Power Grids of Center, which are the part of the company completed the check-out of the cable power transmission lines 220-500 KW in the innovation center of Skolkovo, which is being […]

Magadanenergo Updates Overhead Line-110 Kedroviy-Omchak

Magadanenergo Updates Overhead Line-110 Kedroviy-Omchak

OAO Magadanenergo is carrying on with the update and overhaul of the overhead line 110 KW Kedroviy-Omchak, which is situated in the Susumanskiy and Tenkinskiy districts of Kolyma. The works at the power transmission line are connected with the launch of the first phase of the Matrosov mine scheduled for 2013. The overhead power transmission […]

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