Two Illegal Mini-Oil Refineries Discovered by Police in Angarsk

In the course of a strategic preventive action “Oil”, which was conducted in the Angarsk municipal entity, the officers of the police, FSS, the public prosecution office, the Emergency Ministry and Rostekhnadzor of the Irkutsk region discovered two surreptitious enterprises dealing with the processing of raw hydrocarbons.

In the opinion of the police, the low-quality gasoline, diesel fuel and masut, produced at these enterprises could be sold at the gasoline filling stations in the Angarskiy, Usolskiy and Cheremkhovskiy districts of the Angara region.

Police staff turning up in the premises of the industrial zone of the petrochemists’ town was a complete surprise for the workers servicing the oil refining plant.

The did not even have the time to switch off the so-called “samovar”, next to which there were several containers with oil products. The owner of the mini-plant, who had already had trouble with the law for a similar offence, had no documents giving him the right to exercise this kind of activity.
The second active back-yard production of oil products was discovered in the village of Zverevo, several kilometers of Angarsk.

In the course of the operational procedure the law enforcement officials expropriated several fuel atomizers, which are essential parts for “samovars”.

“Selling and using low-quality fuel is very harmful not only for the environment, but also for the engines of the vehicles, owned by the citizens, who buy fuel at the dubious filling stations”, — the head of the Economic Safety and Anti-Corruption department of the Angarsk Regional Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitriy Prikhodko.

Both facts were a reason to carry out a thorough i8nspection, after which the illegal oil-refiners will be a subject to legal procedures.

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