Vice Premier Kozak: Russian Regions to Finish Preparation for Winter Season by November 15

The level of preparation of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation to the autumn-winter to the heating season as of September 1 makes up 88% to 95%, and by November 15 the preparation may have been completed, the vice prime-minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak says.

“The measures that have been taken enabled a much faster pace (of preparation to the heating season) than the previous year”, — Kozak said at the Government Presidium meeting on Wednesday.

He reminded that in 2010 the constituent territories of the Russian Federation were able to prepare for the heating season better than in 2009.

“Today’s pace is faster – from 88% to 95%…I can safely say that the preparation will have been completed by October 15. We have enough time for all the constituent territories to prepare for the season adequately”, — the vice prime-minister said.


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