Energy Saving Lamps Disposal in Yekaterinburg Will Be Possible in 2014

Be the end of 2014 the citizens of Yekaterinburg will be permitted to throw out energy saving lamps in the local trash containers.

As the chairman of the Committee on Ecology and Environmental Management at the city administration Sergei Arkhipov told UralInform.Ru, special yellow containers will be placed next to trash bins. Even if one throws a bulb into such a container with all one’s might, it will not break, which means that mercury will not get into the air (each fluorescent bulb contains 3-5 milligrams of mercury vapor).

The first ten boxes for the disposed energy-saving bulbs have been placed in Leninskiy district of the city, their mass introduction is planned starting from 2012. The corresponding funds in the municipal budget have already been reserved, but the city authorities do not make the exact amount public. One container plus installation costs 20 thousand rubles.

At present the inventors of these special containers are busy getting a patent for their invention. According to Arkhipov other Russian regions are getting interested in the ‘know-how’ too.

As UralInform.Ru reported earlier, in the next three years Russia is planning to phase out incandescent bulbs. 100-Watt bulbs haven’t been manufactured since 2011. Starting from January 2013 75-Watt bulbs are to be banned, and 2014 will see the 25-Watt bulbs’ phase-out.

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