Manufacturing Division of Chelyabenergo Embarks on Installing Smart Electricity Meters

As the press-service of the IDGC of Ural Chelyabenergo reports, the manufacturing division of the company – Zlatoust electrical grids – is planning to install about 2 500 modern smart electricity meters in 2012. The meters will be installed in the households of the Chebarkulskiy district: in the villages of Nepryakhino, Verkhnie Karasi, Nizhnie Karasi, Kambulat and in the cottage area of the town of Yuryuzan.

The meters which are to be installed by the power engineers of Zlatoust, belong to the type of meters with the automated metering system SMART IMS. This system is able to record the registration and send them to the data processing center via GSM/GPRS-channel.

The installation of smart meters is financed by the IDGC of Ural – the electricity consumers get this procedure for free.

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