Samara Region Prepares Grid Infrastructure for Football World Cup-2018

A working visit of the chairman of the managing board of OAO FGC UES Oled Budargin and the Governor of Samara region Nikolay Merkushkin dedicated to the issues of preparing the power grid complex of the region for the autumn-winter period, as well as to the promising trends in the development of the grid infrastructure.

In the course of their conversation Oleg Budargin and Nikolay Merkushin discussed the plans of the Federal Grid Company for raising the stability of operation, upgrading and development of power grids facilities with due account for the interests of the Samara region.

The meeting also included the discussion of the participation of OAO FGC UES in designing and creating the grid infrastructures for providing electricity to the objects, which will be used in the Football World Cup 2018. The plans, which were voiced during the meeting, are going to be agreed on by both parties in the nearest future.

The meeting was also attended by the General Director of the branch of OAO FGC UES – MES of Volga – Sergei Streltsov, the General Director of OAO IDGC of Volga Vladimir Ryabikin, the minister of Energy Industry and Housing & Communal utilities of Samara region Sergei Krainev.

At present OAO FGC UES is carrying out the reconstruction of the running substations 220 kv – Suzran, Kinelskaya and Levoberezhnaya in Samara region. The power objects will be equipped with the most up-to-date high-tech power equipment, which will make them highly reliable and easy-to-service. This will considerably raise the stability of power supply for the consumers and will create extra conditions for the economic development of the region.

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