This Year Gazprom to Produce 510 Billion Cubic Meters of Gas

According to the information from Nail Gafarov, the deputy head of the Gas, Gas Condensate and Oil Production Department of OAO Gazprom, this year the company is planning to produce more than 510 billion cubic meters of gas. Next year – 528 billion cubic meters of gas.

Last year the gas production in the company rose to 508.6 billion cubic meters (by 10%). In 2009 this parameter comprised 461.5 billion cubic meters. In the current year the gas production may rise only by 0.3%, and in the next one – by 3.5%.

As the Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee of Gazprom Alexander Ananenkov reported earlier, in the current year the gas production by the company may comprise 515–519 billion cubic meters (this is almost by 2% more than in 2010). In 2010 the company change their gas production forecast several times. In November it was reduced to 515 billion cubic meters (or by 1%), but in fact the production performance got even lower. Since May 2011 the gas holding recorded deterioration in demand.

At the beginning of January Alexey Miller, CEO of Gazprom, said that by the end of 2011 the company may return to the gas production level that they had before the crisis. This will happen only on condition that the economy of the country continues to restore with the same speed. It is worth reminding here that in 2008 (before the crisis) Gazprom produced 549.7 billion cubic meters of gas.

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