Innovative Technology Used at Construction of Cable Lines in Skolkovo

Innovative technology was used in the construction of the cable lines in Skolkovo, report. According to the press-service of FGC UES, the Main Power Grids of Center, which are the part of the company completed the check-out of the cable power transmission lines 220-500 KW in the innovation center of Skolkovo, which is being built in the Greater Moscow Area.
As report with the reference to the press-release by FGC UES, the check-out of the innovation power transmission lines was carried out with the use of the newest movable high-voltage resonant-type machine WRV 74/180Т, which enables checking the cables 110 KW up to 12km of length in the field, the cables 220KW up to 9 km of length, and the cables 500 KW up to 3.5 km of length. At present this is the first and so far – the only machine of this kind in the Russian Federation.
The works, which have been carried out, as the press-release says, will allow avoiding serious short circuits and will improve the stability of the cable lines operation considerably after they are commissioned. remind of the fact that the high-voltage check-out of the cable power transmission lines is a very important stage in their construction.

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