Anapa to Get ‘Solar’ Railway Station

The performance specification of the solar panels installation in the railway station of the city of Anapa has been completed. The department of engineering policy informs that the competitive tendering on this project execution is most likely to take place early in 2012. After it has been finished it will be possible to speak more specifically about the real energetic and economic efficiency of the project.

This amount of work is a part of the plan on creating an ‘intelligent’ railway station in Anapa. The overall performance specification is now going through the concurrence procedure in the Railway Stations Directorate,

The railway station project in Anapa is a pilot one for the whole of the Russian Railways. After all the stages of the station reconstruction have been completed it will become a sample one in terms of energy saving and minimization of the Russian Railways stations negative impact on the environment.

The project is of extreme importance for the OAO Russian Railways, since the company is one of the biggest energy consumers in the territory of Russia –about 8% of electricity generated bu the power plants of the Russian Federation are consumed in the Russian Railways. This project will be implemented with the aim of further feasibility study by the Russian Railways experts on the expansion of renewable energy sources for the company needs. This is the reason why the project cost recovery is not an issue in this case.

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