Criminals Shooting at Power Transmission Lines in Komi Found

The power engineers of the Republic of Komi have managed to identify the abusers, who shot at the insulators of the power transmission lines belonging to the responsibility zone of Komienergo. It should be reminded that the three pin-based insulators of the power transmission line 10 KW Bogorodsk-Nivshera were shot up in the Kortkerosskiy region of the Republic of Komi on April 22 2012.

The crime was committed by an unemployed resident of the nearby village of Nivshera, born in 1992. His shooting at the insulators of the power transmission lines was an act of sheer hooliganism, by doing so he disconnected from the electricity grid over a thousand and a half consumers. The abuser was accused of the crime as per Part 1 of the Article 215.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – “destruction, damage or other actions resulting in bringing the power facilities, housing or communal facilities or other infrastructure facilities into the state, in which they cannot be used for their purpose”. The hooligan will also have to account for the illegal possession of the 16th caliber gun, which he used for the shooting.


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