Gazprom Discovers New Gas Field in Sakhalin

In the course of geological prospecting at the Sakhalin shelf Gazprom discovered a new gas field on the Mynginskaya structure within the boundaries of the Kirinskoe prospecting site. This is already the second gas field discovered by Gazprom at the Kirinskoe prospecting site. Earlier in September 2010 Gazprom already discovered here a large Yuzhno-Kirinnskoe gas field the gas reserves of which comprise 260 billion cubic meters according to categories C1 and C2.

The newly discovered gas field is to become a part of Sakhalin-3 project. The start of the field exploitation is scheduled for 2012.

In the course of drilling operations the company experts got a gas and gas condensate influx in the pioneer well. The exact volume of the das deposit in the field will be clear after the prospecting works have been completed. Due to the prospecting works carried out by Gazprom at the Kirinskoe gas field in 2009-2010 the gas deposits rose from 75 billion cubic meters in C1+C2 categories to 137 billion cubic meters in C1 category. The recoverable reserves of gas condensate rose from 8.6 to 15.9 million tons.

The geological prospecting works in the Sakhalin shelf are carried out by Gazprom within the framework of the state program on creating a unified system of gas production and transportation and gas supply in the East Siberia and the Far East with the view of possible gas export to the markets of China and other APR countries, adopted in September 2007 by the order of Minenergo. The Government of the Russian Federation appointed Gazrom a curator of this program.

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