The parks in Moscow may soon be equipped with special type of lanterns which would run on solar batteries. Such lighting of the park territory is described in the project which is being developed by the Department for Fuel and Energy Economy of Moscow Government.
The press-service of the Department has told the journalists that the plans for the capital’s parks development in the coming years presuppose the expenditure on the installation of the street lighting which would use solar energy converted into electrical power by solar batteries. At present the only problem which stands in the way of the plan implementation is the absence of the necessary type of battery mountings and the difficulties connected with guarding these quite expensive lanterns.
The pilot project will be tested in the next – 2012 year. If the pilot project is successful then within the next two years 100 city public gardens and parks will be equipped with such lanterns. The city authorities calculated that despite heavy expenses on such equipment installation they pay of faster in new parks because there is no need to lay electrical grids to the lanterns. At present several yards in the center of the Russian capital are being lit this way.
Метки: Renewable Energy, solar panels
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