Putin Cancels Fines For Insufficient Electricity Use by Consumers

The prime-minister of Russia Vladimir Putin signed a resolution which will regulate the relationship between the retail companies and the electricity consumers. In particular it presupposes the abolition of fines for the insufficient use of electricity by consumers.

Earlier the prime-minister ordered the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Mininergo of Russia and the Federal Tariff Service to develop a project which would limit the profit margin of electricity retail companies. He says that at present the energy sales organizations obtain ‘unjustified extra revenue’, which is three-four times more than the mark-up foreseen by the regulatory bodies.

This regulation cancels not only the provision on fines for the insufficient use of electrical energy by consumers but also the payment procedure which is differentiated as per the nubber of hours of capacity use. The regulation is to come into force starting from April 1 2012.

Besides, the prime-minister ordered the vice prime-minister Igor Sechin as well as the administration of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Minenergo of Russia and the Federal Tariff Service to carry out the analysis of the energy sales companies’ activities and the economic feasibility of the prices for different groups of consumers.

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