Показаны все новости по тегу ‘power grid’

Krasnoyarsk Energy System Transmitted 152.8 KWh of Electrical Energy Via System Interconnectors

Krasnoyarsk Energy System Transmitted 152.8  KWh of Electrical Energy Via System Interconnectors

From January to October 2012 the power plants of Krasnoyarsk energy system produced 37 billion 404.2 million kWh of electrical energy, which is by 4% less than the production volume for the 10 months of 2011. According to the current information of the branch of OAO CO UES Regional Dispatch Office of the Energy System […]

Common Managing Company to be Created for FGC and IDGC

Common Managing Company to be Created for FGC and IDGC

After the meeting at the office of the President of the Russian Federation, which took place on October 15, Alexander Novak, the Minister of Energy Industry of the Russian Federation told the representatives of the mass media that there will be no merger of FGC and IDGC – instead, a common managing company will be […]

Komienergo Invests 174 Million Rubles Into Grid Development Since Beginning of Year

Komienergo Invests 174 Million Rubles Into Grid Development Since Beginning of Year

The branch of IDGC of North-West Komienergo sums up the results of the investment program for the 1st quarter of 2012. For the 3 months the branch invested 174 million rubles into the development of the power grid complex of the republic against the planned 25.3 million rubles. Over 25 million rubles have been spend […]

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