Power engineers Resume Electricity Supply in Vladivostok

Electricity in Vladivostok

Electricity in Vladivostok

Sunday June 24 saw several power outages in Vladivostok, caused by
the damage in the grids of Vladivostok Power Grids Enterprise

At 9:35 Local time 2 feeders at the substation Churkin got
disconnected, the elimination of the failure took 42 minutes.
According to the preliminary data, the outage happened due to the
cable break during excavation works conducted by a construction

Besides the feeders, connected to the substations Sedanka, Instrument
Plant, Okeanskaya also got disconnected today. At present there are no
consumers who are left without electricity.

The information about the disconnection at the feeders belonging to
the municipal enterprise, reached the control board of the operating
dispatcher of the Far East Distribution Grid Company with the aim of
connecting the consumers after eliminating all the failures on the
lines by the brigades of the municipal enterprise Vladivostok Power
Grids. The municipal enterprise needed no additional help from the

There are no recorded failures in the grids of OAO FEDGC.

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