Russia Does Not Need Renewable Energy?

In her interview to the Metal Supply and Sales journal which is to be published in September Natalya Porohova the head of the department of fuel and energy complex research of the Institute for the natural monopolies problems expresses an interesting idea that renewable energy in Russia will never develop in normal pace. Just because … Russia does not need this industry. The major argument she puts forward is large mineral resources deposits exploiting which is an easier and more familiar business for Russia than developing renewable energy as a competitive industry.

Natalya Porokhova suggests directing major investment not into renewable energy development but into raising power consumption efficiency, using natural gas in power generating facilities, raising power transmission efficiency. In her opinion these directions will generate more profit.

According to the expert, renewable energy is a world mainstream. It is very popular in the developed countries. Therefore it would not be wise to leave the Russian “green” energy industry without any funding. Our scientists must continue with their research. But they must continue it not for immediate use but with the aim of developing the technologies which will be more efficient and more profitable than the oil and gas scheme existing at the moment.


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