Russian Technologies State Corporation and Sakhalin Authorities to Cooperate in Fuel & Energy Complex

The Russian Technologies State Corporation and the government of the Sakhalin Region have signed a cooperation agreement, the press-service of the corporation reports.

“The subject of an agreement is the cooperation aimed at the efficient and well-timed execution of the project on creating the fuel and energy complex on the western coast of the Sakhalin island”, — the press-release says.

In particular, the project includes the construction of the Sakhalinskaya state district power plant-2 (SDPP-2), the development of the second phase of the Solntsevskoe coal field, the construction of the railroad line Illinsk-Uglegorsk, the construction of the coal terminal in the port of Kholms, the construction of housing for the staff of the Sakhalinskaya SDPP-2 and the second phase of the Solntsevskoe coal field, the reconstruction of the car road Arsentyevka-Illinsky-Uglegorsk.

There is a plan to engage the integrated structure of the corporation – OOO RT-Energo – in the execution of this complex project, the Russian Technologies representatives point out.

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