Engineers of Bryanskenero Spend Professional Holiday Fighting Nasty Weather

Snow slush caking on the power transmission lines and a rushing mighty wind were the cause of power supply interruption in the seven municipal districts of Bryansk region (Zlynkovskiy, Karachevskiy, Dyatkovskiy, Pochepskiy, Suzemskiy, Sevskiy and Navloinskiy).

The staff of Bryanskenero promptly embarked on eliminating the consequences of the cyclone. 28 emergency brigades and 34 units of special vehicles are engaged into the rectification of the consequences of power supply interruption.

The socially important objects are now specially controlled by power engineers. The staff enhanced responsibility mode is imposed in all the distribution zones of Bryanskenergo, which means that all the staff of the company (managing staff, wiremen, drivers) have the possibility to go to the site of technological breakdown immediately.

When the metrological conditions come back to normal, it is planned to connect the electrical energy suppliers to the grid by 16:00 22.12.2011

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