Gazpromneft-Khantos Produces Six Millionth Ton of Oil Since Beginning of Year

At present the average daily output of the company comprises over 33.6 thousand tons of oil, which exceeds the parameters by the same period of last year by 15%.

Since the beginning of the year 153 bore holes were commissioned and 266 geological and technical actions were carried out.

It should be reminded that the volumes of oil production at the enterprise in 2011 comprised 10.849 tons of oil, which is almost by 10.6% exceeds the volumes of production in 2010. The average daily production comprises 31.699 thousand tons. During the last year the enterprise carried out over 611 geological and technical actions, which allowed to produce the additional 2.168 tons of oil.

The expected production of Gazpromneft-Khantos in 2012 is to comprise over 123 million tons of oil, which is to exceed the planned parameters by 300 thousand tons and by 12% the volumes of the production of last year.

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