LUKOIL Completes Construction of New Unit at Volgograd Oil Refinery

OOO LUKOIL Completed the construction of a delayed coking unit with the capacity of 1 million tons of a raw product at the Volgograd oil refinery, the press-release of the company says.

The planned capacity of the unit in terms of the refined raw material volume is 1 million tons a year. The launch of the unit will enable increasing the production of pet coke by 100 thousand tons a year and take out of operation the two technologically outdated delayed coking units. In 2010 the pet coke production comprised about 180 thousand tons. After the unit has been launched there will be an increase in the production of engine fuel components by 150 thousand tons a year, which would result in raising the quality ad efficiency of oil refining at the Volgograd oil refinery.

The president of LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov pointed out that the completion of the delayed coking unit construction is an important stage of the large-scale modernization of the plant, the main objective of which is establishing a fuel oil free manufacturing.

“Already next year we will put in operation a hydrotreating unit for diesel fuels. And by 2017 the Volgograd Oil Refinery will have become the most up-to-date oil refining plant in the south of Russia”, — he pointed out.

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