Power engineers in Nizhniy Novgorod Region Mitigate Effect of Accident Caused by Bad Weather

The power engineers fully mitigated any effect of the accident in the Nizhniy Novgorod region which was caused by the power line break due to the strong wind, the regional office of the Emergencies Ministry reports.

According to earlier reports , about 1.5 thousand people who live in the six districts of the Nizhniy Novgorod region were left without electricity due to the accident caused by the strong wind and snowfall. “The electricity supply has been fully resumed”, — the Emergencies Ministry report says.

This is already the second case of power disturbance since the beginning of the week – the consequences if the first accident as a result of which about seven thousand citizens of Nizhniy Novgorod were deprived of electricity were mitigated by power engineers on Monday evening.

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