Ukraine Exports Renewable Energy without Using it in Country

Ukraine could become one of the major suppliers of the alternative sources of fuel for the EU countries. However this increase in the output of the green energy sources does not influence the consumption level within the country. This was declared by Ivan Nadein, the representative of the Energy Independence Committee of Ukraine. According to him, using such quantities of green fuel within the country could switch to the “alternative ways” about 40% of the total fuel consumption.

The waste of money and energy is especially obvious in the rural areas. It is a known fact that the main obstacle for the renewable energy development is the infrastructure which needs centralized power and gas supply. But at the same time Ukraine spend 1.5 billion hryvnyas annually on gas service installation in the villages. According to Ivan Nadein the gas service installation in 1-2 villages requires about 50 million hryvnyas, which only increases the country’s dependence on gas and oil import. The same amount of funds could be spent in the same villages on creating a complete infrastructure for using local alternative sources of fuel. And the country does not have any other way out of the situation – the exported sources of energy will become more and more expensive with each year.


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