Public Prosecution Office Reveals Excessive Prices for Electrical Energy in Voronezh Region

The Public Prosecution Office of the Voronezh region on carrying out a special inspection over the request of the tenants of the apartment house in Elevatorskaya street (the village of Mitrofanovka) found out that the residents of the Kantemirovskiy district of the Voronezh region considerably overpaid their electricity bills.

This fact was reported by Mikhail Usov, the Assistant Prosecutor of the Voronezh region.
According to the calculation which was submitted by OAO Voronezhskaya Retail Energy Sales Company (VRES) each tenant gets an electricity bill based on the calculation of electrical energy consumed including common premises. However the representatives of VRES forgot to specify that the common premises in this particular building are not fitted with the illuminating devices.

On this ground the officers of the regional public prosecution office stated that VRES charging the tenants of the above mentioned building payments for the consumed electrical energy was illegal.
As a result of the investigation the public prosecution office of the Kantemirovskiy district issued an improvement notice to OAO VRES asking to eliminate the revealed violations of legislation and the right of tenants as well as to bring those who are guilty in this offence to disciplinary responsibility.

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